8 research outputs found

    Prosper : developing web applications strongly integrated with Prolog

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    Separating presentation and application logic, defining presentation in a declarative way and automating recurring tasks are fundamental issues in rapid web application development. Albeit Prolog is widely employed in intelligent systems and knowledge discovery, creating a web interface for Prolog has been a cumbersome task producing poorly maintainable code, which hinders harnessing the power of Prolog in information systems. This paper presents a framework called Prosper that facilitates developing new or extending existing Prolog applications with a presentation front-end. The framework relies on Prolog to the greatest possible extent, supports code re-use, and integrates easily with web servers. As a result, Prosper simplifies the creation of complex, maintainable web applications running either independently or as part of a heterogeneous system without leaving the Prolog domain

    An identification approach to dynamic errors-in-variables systems with a preliminary clustering of observations

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    Errors-in-variables models are statistical models in which not only dependent but also independent variables are observed with error, i.e. they exhibit a symmetrical model structure in terms of noise. The application field for these models is diverse including computer vision, image reconstruction, speech and audio processing, signal processing, modal and spectral analysis, system identification, econometrics and time series analysis. This paper explores applying the errors-in-variables approach to parameter estimation of discrete-time dynamic linear systems. In particular, a framework is introduced in which a preliminary separation step is applied to group observations prior to parameter estimation. As a result, instead of one, two sets of estimates are derived simultaneously, comparing which can yield estimates for noise parameters. The proposed approach is compared to other schemes with simulation examples

    Általános nyelvészeti tanulmányok XXIX. - Kísérletes nyelvészet

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    Ez a kötet kísérletes nyelvészeti tanulmányokat tartalmaz, azaz olyan kutatások eredményeit ismerteti, amelyek egy tág értelemben vett „laboratóriumban" végzett kísérletek eredményein alapulnak. A kötet koncepciója szerint mind a legmodernebb technikai eszközrendszerekkel felszerelt kísérleti laboratóriumi struktúra, mind valamilyen speciális terep (óvoda, iskola, rehabilitációs intézet), mind pedig az internet, például a Facebook is szolgálhat kísérlet lefuttatásának kereteként. A nyelvészetben alkalmazott kísérletek módszertana természetesen követi a tudományos kísérletek általános paradigmáját és megőrzi annak lényeges jegyét: hogy megismételhető, objektív legyen. Amíg számos interdiszciplináris területen, így például a neurolingvisztikában és a pszicholingvisztikában, a tudományos kísérleteket a 19. század óta alkalmazzák, addig az olyan nyelvészeti témákban, mint a nyelvtan készítése, a nyelvleírás, viszonylag újabb fejlemény a kísérletes módszertan alkalmazása. Ezt sok minden motiválta, többek között a kurrens nyelvészeti modellek, elméletek és variánsaik versengései és ennek kapcsán olyan objektív bizonyítékok keresése, amelyek csak kísérleti helyzetekben állíthatók elő. Kötetünk tanulmányait négy tematikus egység szerint csoportosítottuk: 1. Nyelvleírási kérdések, 2. Nyelvelsajátítás, 3. A mesterségesnyelvtan-elsajátítási paradigma alkalmazásai, 4. Nyelvi zavarok. A szerzők között nemcsak a terület jelentős ismertségű személyiségei, hanem külföldről korábban hazatért, vagy más országokban dolgozó és az itthoniakkal szoros kapcsolatokat fenntartó, sőt Magyarországon működő külföldi kutatók is megtalálhatók, példázva a magyarországi nyelvészet nemzetközi beágyazottságát. Nyolc tanulmány esetében a szerzők mellékeltek a kísérleteik hátteréhez, például az adatbázisokhoz, vagy a keretként szolgáló kutatási projekthez és kutatócsoporthoz elvezető internetes linkeket, melyeket QR-kódok formájában adunk meg. A QR-kódok okostelefonnal azonnal aktív linkekre fordíthatók

    Magyar Tudósok körútja 2

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    Abstract. Clear separation of presentation and code-behind, declarative use of visual control elements and a supportive background framework to automate recurring tasks are fundamental to rapid web application development. This poster presents a framework that facilitates extending Prolog applications with a web front-end. The framework relies on Prolog to the greatest possible extent, supports code re-use, and integrates easily into existing web server solutions. When developing web applications, separating application logic (what the program does) and presentation (how results are displayed) is of paramount importance. This approach leads to a logic focused closely on the task at hand and a replaceable presentation layer that wraps all web-related issues. Prospe

    Prosper: A Framework for Extending Prolog Applications with a Web Interface Nengfa Zhou A Register-Free Abstract Prolog Machine with Jumbo Instructions Emilia Oikarinen and Tomi Janhunen A Linear Transformation from Prioritized Circumscription to Disjunct

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    Abstract. Clear separation of presentation and code-behind, declarative use of visual control elements and a supportive background framework to automate recurring tasks are fundamental to rapid web application development. In this paper, a framework is presented that facilitates extending Prolog applications with a web front-end. The framework relies on Prolog to the greatest possible extent, supports code re-use, and integrates easily into existing web server solutions. An architecture comprising two layers is elaborated. The lower layer, attached directly yet flexibly via FastCGI to the web server, handles issues of threading, basic session and context management, while the upper layer produces output based on XML source documents, which can be thought of as the Prolog counterparts of ASP.NET and Java server pages. The framework has been developed with SWI-Prolog and contains low-level communication code in C.

    Cross-protection provided by live Shigella mutants lacking major antigens

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    The immune response elicited by Shigella infections is dominated by serotype-specific antibodies recognizing the LPS O-antigens. Although a marked antibody response to invasion plasmid antigens (Ipa-s) shared by all virulent strains is also induced, the varying level of immunity elicited by natural infections is serotype-restricted. Previous vaccines have tried to mimic and achieve this serotype-specific, infectioninduced immunity. As, however, the four Shigella species can express 50 different types of O-antigens, current approaches with the aim to induce a broad coverage use a mixture of the most common O-antigens combined in single vaccines. In the current study we present data on an alternative approach to generate immunity protective against multiple serotypes. Mutants lacking both major immune-determinant structures (i.e. the Ipa and O-antigens) were not only highly attenuated, but, unlike their avirulent counterparts still expressing these antigens, elicited a protective immune response to heterologous serotypes in a murine model. Evidence is provided that protection was mediated by the enhanced immunogenic potential of minor conserved antigens. Furthermore, the rough, non-invasive double mutants triggered an immune response different from that induced by the smooth, invasive strains regarding the isotype of antibodies generated. These non-invasive, rough mutants may represent promising candidates for further development into live vaccines for the prophylaxis of bacillary dysentery in areas with multiple endemic serotypes